Women & Children

Family Planning Clinic
Anytime by appointment (Nurse)
These clinics allow you to discuss various forms of contraception and fertility advice. It is also an opportunity to discuss issues surrounding sexually transmitted diseases. Pill checks and free condoms are provided by the nurse.
Family planning advice is also available during any normal doctor & nurse sessions.
For Coils (IUD implants) and implants please phone 0345 300 2350 for the local Family Planning/Sexual Health Clinics that provide these services. This will be at St Johns Medical Centre

If you suspect you are pregnant, do a home pregnancy test first. Once the pregnancy is confirmed, you will need to book an appointment to see midwife on 07787 841986. The first scan is offered at 10-12 weeks, so it is highly recommended that you are seen before you are 10 weeks pregnant.

Well Baby/Child Development Checks
- 8 Week Baby Check by appointment (Doctor)
- Developmental Checks (children under 5 years old) run by Health Visitors at the Community Child Health Clinics
- Child immunisations by appointment with the Nurse

Post-Natal Checks
Monday – Friday (Anytime) by appointment (Doctor)
Postnatal examinations are essential for new mothers.
(Should you wish to have the Baby Check and the Post-Natal Check done during the same appointment, a 30 minute booked appointment will be required.)